Exploring Postmodern Fictional Elements in The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas and The Seven Messenger by Dino Buzzati


  • Abdul Naeem Lecturer, SAU, Sub Campus Umerkot.
  • Maria Khushk Lecturer, Isra University.
  • Hajira Masroor Assistant Professor, BUET, Khuzdar


Postmodernism, elements, textual analysis, interpretation, close reading


This research study aims to explore postmodern elements in the work of Alexandre Dumas The Count of Monte Cristo and another work by Dino Buzzati The Seven Messengers. This research article is basically dealing with some prominent elements of postmodernism such as Fragmentation, Black Humor, Playfulness, Intertextuality, Metafiction, Objectivity, Magic Realism and Absurdity. This research is qualitative in which existing literature is reviewed and interpreted by textual analysis and close reading. The conceptual framework is given in this research that is Bran Nicol’s (2009) concept of fictional narratives to express postmodern elements. This research article has interpreted these two works through textual analysis and come up with the text that expresses the postmodern narrative of the author that is within the text itself and in the context also. This research has analyzed works through postmodern elements and come up with the intricate ideas that there are elements of postmodernism that exist in various ways in the text. Postmodern elements are underpinned in the text that gives us various approaches when interpreted. This research has extracted postmodern elements within the text of both work.


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How to Cite

Naeem, A. ., Khushk , M. ., & Masroor , H. . (2024). Exploring Postmodern Fictional Elements in The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas and The Seven Messenger by Dino Buzzati. Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities , 8(1), 109-118. Retrieved from http://www.arjish.com/index.php/arjish/article/view/694