The Impact of Spiritual Thought of Shaykh ʿAbdul Azīz Dabbāgh on the sub-contitnent

شیخ عبدالعزیز دباغ کی صوفیانہ فکر کےبر عظیم پر اثرا ت کا تحلیلی مطالعہ


  • محمد رمضان سعیدی پی ایچ ڈی سکالر ، شعبہ علوم اسلامیہ وعربی ، گورنمنٹ کالج یونی ورسٹی ، فیصل آباد


Abdul Aziz Dabbagh, Sub-Continent, Spiritualists, Mysticism.


Shaikh Abdul Aziz Dabbagh was a prominent Sufi scholar of the Shdhiliyah order. Owing to his moral excellence and righteousness, he endeavored to rejuvenate the Sufism according to the basic principles of Quran and Sunnah. This study aims at to explore the impacts of Shaikh Abdul Aziz Dabbagh’s ideology about Sufism in the territory of Sub-Continent. His philosophy about Sufism has some explicit and unique features which were different from other Sufis of his time. In his method, he gave special importance to abide by the rulings of Quran and Sunnah firmly rather than the prevailing Sufi traditions and asked his disciples to refrain from un-Islamic practices which were being accepted by other so-called Sufis. In this way, he exposed the genuine picture of Sufism before the world. Resultantly, his ideas were widely accepted in Scholars and masses too. In this study, his teachings about Sufism have been designated in detail and peculiarity from other Sufis has been focused.




How to Cite

سعیدی م. ر. . . (2018). The Impact of Spiritual Thought of Shaykh ʿAbdul Azīz Dabbāgh on the sub-contitnent : شیخ عبدالعزیز دباغ کی صوفیانہ فکر کےبر عظیم پر اثرا ت کا تحلیلی مطالعہ. Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities , 2(`1). Retrieved from